Thursday, March 4, 2010

Delicious Biscotti : Anna Rita's recipe from Romanelli


Gusto Wine Tours took a group of us to Romanelli in Montefalco, where they have fabulous Sangiovese and Sagrantino wines. To my surprise, the home made biscotti made by Anna Rita, was equally delicious. I had to sneak into the kitchen to ask her for the recipe. She was more than happy to share her recipe with me. Now, I will pass it onto all of you. Enjoy!

Biscotti con Passito
di Anna Rita

  • 1/2 kg Farina OO( flour)
  • 200 gr. Passito
  • 200 gr.Zucchero ( sugar)
  • 160 gr. Olio di Oliva vergine ( virgin olive oil)
  • 1 bustina Pinoli ( sm pk pine nuts)
  • 1 bustina Lievito ( sm pk baking powder)
170° (325°-340°) until golden 20 minuti + o -

mix all the ingredients together well. Roll the dough into a round strip, cut the dough into 1 inch pieces. bake on a cooking sheet until cookies are golden brown.